Christmas Wonder

Posted by on Dec 9, 2018 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 1 comment

Christmas Wonder

Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year.  For our family it’s a full month of celebrations. The wonder of Christmas comes in many forms:  gifts, surprises,  songs, stories, games, traditions and even magical elves and a jolly dude in a red suit.  But the true wonder of Christmas cannot be lost amidst the celebration. The fact that God left Heaven to become a human baby, is indeed miraculous.  Miracle on top of miracle reveals God’s relentless love for mankind as He embraced humanity to save us all.

It doesn’t take much to evoke emotion from me.  Honestly, a good commercial could bring me to tears.  My kids will testify that I choke back tears reading most of our Christmas books.  I also have a strong, emotional connection to newborn babies. They are simply the most delicious creatures.  The smell, the little sounds, the innocence wrapped in a blanket is perfection. So perhaps the wonder of the incarnation resonates stronger with me.

When I allow myself to really ponder the first Christmas, I am left in complete wonder.   Mary and Joseph relinquished respect when they embraced a child, that most would not believe originated in immaculate conception. Then imagine the hardship they endured as they journeyed miles on a donkey during Mary’s last trimester. I went on a boat in choppy water once in my last trimester and thought I might not survive. For those of you who have been pregnant, remember back to the misery of your last few weeks. Can you even imagine traveling across the country on a donkey?  

Then, as God would have it and so that prophecy could be fulfilled, Jesus decides to make his grand appearance as they are far from home, with nowhere go.  This just might be my worst nightmare. When our first child was born she came much quicker than was to be expected. Ken and I went to the wrong door and were walking around the perimeter of the hospital as the contractions were on top of each other.  Finally in desperation Ken began banging on a side door and someone let us in. The pain and anxiety that came from that very short walk reminds me how afraid and desperate Mary and Joseph must have been as they searched for a place to have the baby.

Although the stable was hardly the best place to give birth, I am sure Mary was relieved to have a place to go.  As painful as labor is, there is nothing like holding that newborn baby in your arms and knowing it was all worth it. And there they were, just the two of them amidst some animals perhaps, witnessing the most miraculous moment in the history of the world, God became flesh.  This is the moment that brings me to tears. The complete wonder of baby Jesus bundled in swaddling clothes staring up at his parents for the first time. Our quaint nativity sets, with porcelain baby Jesus hardly show the reality of that night. The mess, the emotion, the joy cannot be captured.

Many songs have been written about the emotions that Mary and Joseph must have felt during those first few moments as a family.  They knew who their baby was. Even before the angels, the shepherds and the wise men arrived, they knew they were holding the Prince of Peace.  Even before Simeon and Anna confirmed their faith, they knew that their child was the King of the world.

Below are some lyrics that embody the emotion of that night.   The heart of Christmas is found in these words. The sacrifices that were made on the part of all the characters in the Christmas story are the gift given for us to unwrap: love.  Let the wonder of all that God did for us overwhelm you today and you reflect on His great love for you!

“Mary, did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?  That this child that you delivered will soon deliver you? Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?  When you kiss your little baby, you kiss the face of God? Did you know that your baby boy is Heaven’s perfect lamb? That the sleeping child you’re holding is the great I AM?”

-Mary Did You Know by Mark Lowry

“Go to sleep, my son. This manger for your bed.  You have a long road before you, rest your little head.  Can you feel the weight of your glory? Do you understand the price?  Does the Father guard your heart for now, so you can sleep tonight? Go to sleep, my son.  Go and chase your dream. This world can wait for one more moment. Go and sleep in peace. I believe the glory of Heaven.  Is lying in my arms tonight. Lord, I ask for just this moment, He simply be my child. Go to sleep, my son. Baby, close your eyes.  Soon enough you’ll save the day but for now, dear child of mine, oh my Jesus, sleep tight.”

-Joseph’s Lullaby by Mercy Me


Merry Christmas from our family to yours!


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  1. Donna farraye

    Love everything you write. Thanks for this one!! Such reminders of what May and Joseph endured before bringing our Savior into this world
    Luv u !!! Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family

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