About Kim

I am blessed to be the mother of seven children,one girl and six boys. That’s right, I said 6 boys and blessed in the same sentence.

Having eight siblings, I am well acquainted with a large family and all the chaos and fun that comes from it. Luckily for me, I learned to drive with a van so I’ve really been practicing for this all my life. I’m used to the laundry pile that never ends (though I used to be the one who added to it, not trying to clean it). I’m used to sharing. When I was young we would go to Dairy Queen and my dad would buy 2 big milk shakes. We would all take a sip, pass it around, wait for another sip to come our way. Now I do the same with my kids with Slurpees. An added bonus to sharing is it quickly spreads whatever germs everyone is carrying, so that we all get sick together, instead of it lingering around for months. I bet you never thought of that. I’m sure I just inspired a few of you to have another child right now.

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My parents, siblings and our families.

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How many kids can you fit on a hammock? Having fun with cousins in Disney.

100_0512 (480x640)My education at Philadelphia Biblical University gave me three gifts. First the ability to teach, second a deeper understanding of who God is and third, my husband (I really scored there: cute, smart, and changes diapers). I was born and raised in New Jersey. Now we are raising our kids in the same glorious, over populated, over taxed state; though we do dream of packing up and moving south every winter. What makes me happy? warm weather, desserts (I’m dreaming of a Mochalatta Chill right now), playing sports and games (that all end in a tie), and watching other people laugh which always makes me laugh.

My passion is mothering and doing everything I can to raise my children to know and love God in a culture that doesn’t. Watching their understanding of God unfold is amazing and entertaining at times. They say things like: “Jesus is the Son and God is the moon”,” If Satan tries to trick me I will hit him with my Bible and kick him in the beans”, and “Hey Mom, you wanna know my special gifts from God? I’m smart, a good guesser and scrappy” (And you know what? He’s right. That child is scrappy and I’m sure God had a hand in it). Hopefully someday their doctrine will be a little more sound, but until then at least it’s good comic relief.

This blog: A Gallon a Day, is about my journey as a mom, and my kids, who at this point drink a gallon of milk a day. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I pray you find encouragement and strength on these pages, and hopefully a laugh along the way. See that would make me happy.