
Musings on the Olympics

Posted by on Aug 15, 2016 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 0 comments

Musings on the Olympics

If you took the fabric from one man’s beach volleyball uniform you could easily make all of the collective women’s beach volleyball uniforms.  Why they want to play with sand in all their crevasses is beyond me. The “athlete” blowing the whistle for the rowing teams, gets the same medal as the rowers. Score! According to NBC’s coverage of gymnastics there are approximately 6 other gymnastics in the world other than the USA gymnastics. If you come in fourth you are a huge disappointment...

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Walk a Mile With Me

Posted by on Aug 1, 2016 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 2 comments

Walk a Mile With Me

              More than most things, I want to be understood.  I think that is why I seek company with those who have similar experiences as my own.  I have friends from many facets of life.  Each of them understands me differently.  My sisters understand my upbringing.   My roommates from college speak my language from the inside jokes we made during those years.  Now I have a few friends who are also raising a gaggle of children.  All of these friends can...

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Faith Of A Child

Posted by on Feb 20, 2016 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 0 comments

Faith Of A Child

The Bible tells us that we are to have the faith of a child.  There have been many times in my parenting when I have been delighted by something that my children have said, but when they speak spiritual truths; it thrills me to a totally different level. Sometimes their theology is a little askew and they say things like:  Jesus is the Son and God is the moon, or God is everywhere so He walks on my very lightly, or I can’t see God but He can see me, because His eyes are bigger than mine....

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A Labor of Love

Posted by on Jan 16, 2016 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 0 comments

A Labor of Love

I recently entered the third trimester of pregnancy and inevitably my mind has been wandering to the entrance of our seventh baby into this world.  In part I am sure this has to do with the way a pregnant woman feels at this time . . . miserable, pretty much.  But the reality of the baby coming is also becoming clearer.  It is no longer a future event, but rather something for which I need to clear out my closet.  Remember how I celebrated last year that the nursery became our walk in closet?...

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Wholly His

Posted by on Dec 21, 2015 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 0 comments

Wholly His

It struck me that much of our Christian parenting can be focused on the dos and do nots in the Bible.  Obviously God cares about our moral character or He would not have provided guidelines for behavior in His Word.  He does in fact have a standard for living, as much as our culture would like to disagree and make everything subjective and about love.  He has also imprinted His image into each human being and thus we have with in us the ability to know right from wrong.  Morality does matter,...

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Posted by on Dec 3, 2015 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 4 comments


Let’s be honest, most of us are really wishing for perfect children, whether we admit it or not.  Kids who make us look good.  Rock the Nice List.   Obey their teachers.  Get good grades.  Make the team.  Have solos in the concert.  In reality though we may spend hours in homework assistance, helping the child who doesn’t learn as quickly as his sister, disciplining the child who struggles to comprehend what self-control is, re-directing the child with ADHD, or consoling the child who did not...

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