
Holy Song Wars

Posted by on Sep 17, 2015 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 2 comments

Holy Song Wars

We have 6 children so driving anywhere is interesting: “Mom, So-in-so is touching me.”  “Okay, well move over.” “Mom, So-in-so is annoying.”  “Honey, we are all annoying in some way, deal with it.” “Mom, So-in-so is LOOKING at me.”  “Okay, well look away.” My children think that driving our giant conversion van (that we refer to as Relaxi-taxi) isn’t much of a job.   I’m apparently bored and would love to referee the back seats. One topic that has come up more than once is singing.  Some in my...

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Too Safe to Live Free

Posted by on Aug 20, 2015 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 0 comments

Too Safe to Live Free

Too Safe to Live Free To fully understand where I am going on this issue you may want to read my previous blog “Living Free”. I admit I’ve never been much of a rule follower.  It’s gotten me into my fair share of trouble through the years.  Now that I am raising children of my own, I try to do my best to be a law abiding citizen; however some of the recent laws being forced upon us are stirring up my rebellious nature. Ronald Reagan said it well, “Man is not free unless government is limited.”...

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Living Free

Posted by on Jul 3, 2015 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 2 comments

Living Free

Americans seem to pride themselves in two things:  freedom and independence.  However, I see my generation of parents, willingly handing over these cherished rights in the name of fear.  We are afraid of all sorts of things including getting sued, not being liked, lack of financial stability, and feeding our children the wrong foods (though we are not sure what they actually are).  The core of our fears revolved around our children; we are afraid our kids will get hurt, sick, abducted or the...

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Understanding Introverts

Posted by on May 26, 2015 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 4 comments

Understanding Introverts

I am an extrovert, my husband, not so much! Up until the past few weeks I have seen this as a personality flaw, which needed to be fixed. My personality was clearly better and the more he could conform to me, the better we would be. Such maturity, I know. I believe our culture is biased towards outgoing, extroverted people. The educational philosophies that dictate our schools mandate cooperative learning and group projects.   In my graduate  program, not one class went by without...

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Young at Heart

Posted by on May 7, 2015 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 0 comments

Young at Heart

I have always had an adventurous spirit. It got me into a great deal of trouble when I was young. The trouble is, I still think of myself as young but my husband keeps telling me that we are old. Though I refuse to believe him, there are growing signs that indicate he might be on to something. When you are young if you fall down the stairs (not that that has ever happened to my children who are always under my very careful, watchful eye), you literally bounce right back. Cry for a minute or...

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Sharing Not Comparing

Posted by on Mar 22, 2015 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 5 comments

Sharing Not Comparing

February 14th came and went and my Facebook feed was filled with beautiful Valentines of all kinds.  One extremely talented friend had handcrafted little boards for her sweet babies with adjectives describing them.   Another busy momma had personally cut scalloped hearts out of organic brown card stock and colored them each unique and ornate.  Of course, there was most likely an organic granola bar attached to it as well.  I did not post pictures of the Valentine’s my kids brought to their...

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