
Confessions: Keeping It Real

Posted by on Jan 27, 2015 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 2 comments

Confessions:  Keeping It Real

When we had our second child everyone we met would gush over the kids and tell us we had the perfect family, a daughter and a son.  I remember telling a friend I was pregnant with my third, and her response was, “Oh no!”  I assured her that my husband and I were actually quite happy with the news and she quickly back-peddled.  It was at that moment I realized that the rest of the world thinks we are off our rockers for wanting a large family.  I came from a family of 9 children, so a big...

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Remember When

Posted by on Jan 7, 2015 in Blog, Featured | 0 comments

Remember When

  There are peals of laughter drifting in from the living room followed by squeals and the patter of little footsteps.  I know this is going to end badly, with something broke or someone crying, but I can’t help myself to enjoy the sound of my children enjoying each other.  Nothing makes my heart gladder. Mothering is not always filled with moments like these.  It is usually the mundane of cooking, cleaning, wiping, teaching, disciplining . . . but enjoying; now that makes it all...

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Truly Thankful

Posted by on Dec 15, 2014 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 0 comments

Truly Thankful

Truly Thankful There are Thanksgivings when we rattle off things we are thankful for without too much thought. . . family, friends, shelter, food, , , this will not be one of them. My son Brock had elective surgery on his belly button on the Monday before the week of Thanksgiving; as a result he ended up with a collapsed lung.  My poor boy has asthma so between that and the sore belly from the surgery we went 4 days before figuring out what the problem was. By Friday I knew I needed to get him...

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An Apology Letter to My First Born:

Posted by on Oct 17, 2014 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 2 comments

An Apology Letter to My First Born:

An Apology Letter to My Firstborn Child: I recently read an apology letter another parent had written to their second born child, apologizing that he didn’t have a nice baby book or look as put together as the first born (“An Apology Letter to My Second Child” by Jennifer DeMattia). It reminded me of a conversation we had when you were lamenting the fact that you are the first born, recalling the pit falls to your place in our family. It got me thinking from your perspective and you are right....

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Boys Are Gross

Posted by on Aug 15, 2014 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 1 comment

Boys Are Gross

Boys Are Gross! I know this sounds like a sexist, elementary school playground thing to say but, boys are gross!  I have raised five boys and one girl and let me tell you, they are not the same.  Maybe it’s just my girl and my boys.  Maybe this generalization is unfounded.  I will give you my first hand observations and let you decide. My girl is picky.  She doesn’t like to try new foods and has actually made herself vomit over the texture of certain foods.  We have had our food battles over...

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Teach Me

Posted by on Jul 3, 2014 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 0 comments

Teach Me

In our playroom, hang these words.  My amazingly talented sister made them. They are a reminder to me of my primary job, to teach.  Yes, I clean and cook and wash and wipe.  Some days it seems that is all I do, but underlying everything, my job is to teach:  to teach my children to obey, to listen, to respect; to teach them their ABC’s and 123’s;  to teach them how to dance and sing and laugh;  to teach them to clean up after themselves and say, “I’m sorry.”;  to teach them the Word of God and...

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