
Full Hands

Posted by on May 11, 2014 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 2 comments

Full Hands

Full Hands Somewhere between two and three children the comments changed from smiles and gushing to, “Oh my, you have your hands full”.   I have to agree.   I do indeed have my hands full, as I did when I had one child, and two children. When my first was born, my whole world was transformed.  I was responsible for the well-being and training of another human being.  My hands were completely full.  When our second was born and I had to adjust to mothering two, my hands were full.  I can...

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Baby Choices

Posted by on Mar 31, 2014 in Blog, Featured | 4 comments

Baby Choices

Baby Choices: The most nonsensical idea I ever embraced as a mom was to give your baby choices.  The fact that I bought into it at all, I blame on DIPS (Dumbness Induced by Pregnancy Syndrome), a syndrome that I still have to this day.  The reason I know I still have it is because I continue to give my babies choices, even though I know it is absurd. I recall reading in a baby magazine this idea when my first born was a baby.  You can tell that they are targeting sleep deprived, fuzzy brained...

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Good Intentions

Posted by on Feb 15, 2014 in Blog, Featured, What I'm Thinking About | 3 comments

Good Intentions

Good Intentions My husband says that I am great at coming up with systems, but not great at implementing them. I hate to admit it, but he’s right. Being naturally creative, I love to come up with a plan to solve any problem. Storage systems, disciplinary systems, organizational systems, I love them all! However, I often lack the discipline to carry through on implementing them, rendering them useless. My intentions are good, but my focus or effort is lacking. I found this great map idea last...

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Living on a Budget

Posted by on Feb 11, 2014 in Blog, Featured, What Works for Me | 0 comments

Living on a Budget

Living on a Budget: My sister asked me to write this, and though we do live on a budget I feel inadequate to explain how we do it. First let me say that we have grown into this way of living. We graduated college with debt and both went to grad school (more debt). While we were both working, we did pay off all of our college loans, but we didn’t have a lot of money saved before we started having kids. So now we were living on one salary and really wanted to buy a house, which requires a nice...

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When Your Child is Sick

Posted by on Feb 2, 2014 in Blog, Featured, What Works for Me | 0 comments

When Your Child is Sick

Natural Medicine at Home: For coughs: I have serious anxiety when my children start coughing, I know it sounds ridiculous but it’s true. My neurosis is partially due to my third child who would go from a cough to not breathing in less than an hour, due to his asthma, but I do still recognize that I have a problem. However, because of this anxiety I have loads of suggestions on how to naturally stop a cough or at least subdue it. Here they are: Have a vaporizer in your their room. Best money...

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Good Intentions

Posted by on Jan 24, 2014 in Blog, Featured, What Works for Me | 0 comments

Good Intentions

Good Intentions My husband says that I am great at coming up with systems, but not great at implementing them. I hate to admit it, but he’s right. Being naturally creative, I love to come up with a plan to solve any problem. Storage systems, disciplinary systems, organizational systems, I love them all! However, I often lack the discipline to carry through on implementing them, rendering them useless. My intentions are good, but my focus or effort is lacking. I found this great map idea last...

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